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I'm a British Canadian photographer and photo editor currently living in London.

I have worked for the BBC for over 17 years as the sole staff photographer for Radio & Music specialising in music, live events and portraiture. My work has been featured across the BBC for multitude of uses including online and print, and has been used for press and publicity in countless publications across the UK. 


I also have worked as a freelance photographer in music, live events and fashion for the past 30 years and have worked for many businesses and events all over the world.

I am unique in my approach to light and composition and I can work quickly and efficiently in challenging situations including low light, tight deadlines and limited spaces. I am warm and friendly and can make any model feel safe and comfortable.

If I am the kind of photographer you are looking for, please contact me. Thanks!

Jeg søger arbejde som fotograf i Danmark. Jeg taler dansk på mellemniveau.

Jeg er unik i min tilgang til lys og komposition, og jeg kan arbejde hurtigt og effektivt i udfordrende situationer, herunder svagt lys, stramme tidsfrister og begrænsede rum. Jeg er varm og venlig og kan få ethver model til at føle sig tryg og behagelig.

Hvis jeg er den slags fotograf du leder efter, så kontakt mig. Tak!

Oh yeah, I speak a bit of Danish too. 

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